John 4:46-54 - Sign 2 - Healing the Official's Son

Beginning with the first sign of Jesus turning water into wine in John 2:1-12, John sets the reader on a journey with signposts leading the way. The interesting thing about signposts is that they basically serve one purpose, to point you where you need to go. Signs should never become the focal point because they will become a distraction from the destination. Can you imagine what a journey would be like if travelers stopped at every sign they saw? I don’t want to make too much of that point. I just bring it up because that is what seems to be happening in the Gospel of John between the beginning of chapter 2 and the end of chapter 4. 

Jesus clears the temple, and the Jews ask what sign he can show to justify his actions. He just points to the destination, his resurrection. John then points to people’s belief in Jesus because of signs he performed. Nicodemus saw Jesus as a teaching from God because of the signs. People really seem to like the signs and it seems to frustrate Jesus a bit. In 4:46-54, the Official who approaches Jesus asks for healing of his son. Jesus’ response seems a bit frustrated that all people care about are the signs rather than where they point. 

The Official becomes an example for our walk with Jesus. Jesus raises a question regarding belief based on signs and the Official responds with belief before the sign. The sign for the Official then points him to deeper realities of Jesus’ identity because he first believed. Do you see how John is building up to the resurrection in this? All of these signs point to the one who is God in the flesh, who lived a life of obedient submission to the Father, obedient to death, they point to the one who now gives us true life in the resurrection. These signs point you to the one who invites you into a transformative relationship where your belief is on display in how you live like Jesus did. When you start with belief, the signs point you to the life you’re called to live in the reality of relationship with Jesus. John is building up to that climactic moment where we stand alongside Thomas and hear the words of Jesus, “Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed” (20:29).

Belief is not just something you do with your mind. It is something you take into your heart and then pump in through the rest of your body to be lived out every day. In what ways does your life reflect your belief that Jesus is Lord? In what areas of your life do you still need to “believe the word” spoken to you (4:50)? 

Prayer Prompts as you reflect on experiencing this moment with Jesus from different perspectives: 

The Official – In what ways do you expect Jesus to work in your life when what you really need to do is believe?

The Official’s Son – Who is someone that has believed deeply in Jesus on your behalf that has brought life back to you? 

The Official’s Servants – What is good news you are carrying right now that you need to realize is the work of Jesus bringing redemption to the world?

The Official’s Household – Who are the people in your life whose testimonies about Jesus need to be heard so that you come to deeper belief? Pray that your ears will be open to them.