Memorize Scripture

We’re memorizing 12 passages as a church this year (8-12 verses each). Click link - List of Scriptures. Choose a goal that feels achievable. One a month, every other month, two this year, or pick one passage. As you write these passages on your heart through memorization, share with us how this practice has impacted your life.

Dwell in the Word

Develop the habit of sitting with small amounts of scripture, allowing the Spirit to guide your attention to what you need to hear. Hold it. Chew it slowly and methodically. Swallow it.

As a community of faith we meditate on the same passage together each week to prepare for breaking bread together in the Lord’s Supper. Our time around the Lord’s Table begins with a time for “Dwelling in the Word” where space is created to sit silently in the presence of God and hear a word he might be sharing with you. If you would like to be updated on the weekly passage, or would like to know more about this spiritual discipline, please email Ryan -

Study and Reflect

Prepare to hear a word from God through the preaching of the word. Ryan writes a weekly reflection to help you prepare for receiving a word from God on Sunday.

Spiritual Disciplines

Select a Spiritual Discipline that you want to work on this year. Whatever you decide to do, start small and make obtainable goals. You can find a few resources for spiritual disciplines by clicking here. You can email our minister, Ryan if you would like some guidance on different practices of spiritual disciplines.