Day 15 of Advent - Luke 3:7-18

I’m really blessed to have the ability to study the Bible at the graduate level. Over the last 6 or so years, as I’ve been studying religion, Christianity, and Scripture, my eyes have been opened to so many different things. I’ve begun to think about my spiritual journey in completely new ways that likely would have never happened if not for my education. However, while I have been very blessed to be able to study these things, they have also presented plenty of challenges. At times, I’ve caught myself becoming so enamored with philosophy that I fall into the trap of emphasizing right belief over faithfulness. Sure, I can ponder the different views of divine foreknowledge, describe different atonement theories, and enter into debates surrounding transubstantiation, but that’s completely meaningless if I’m not pursuing a life that is emulating the life of Christ.

This struggle I’ve described is very similar to the one John the Baptist is addressing in Luke 3:7-18. His message is simple: don’t overcomplicate things. When it comes down to it, your beliefs can be absolutely perfect, but that doesn’t mean a thing if it’s not leading you to a life of love. John tells his audience that  their primary motivation should be to simply care for the people around them. Treat others fairly. When you see something unjust happening, intervene in a Christlike manner.  Basically, all you have to do is pursue justice. But, justice doesn’t mean getting even with someone who did something wrong. Justice isn’t about revenge. Unfortunately, it seems that we get justice and revenge confused far too often. The kind of justice that John is talking about pursues a level playing field for all people. This is a justice that doesn’t just get back at the bad guy, but watches out for the impoverished and the widow. Justice like this is rooted in love above anything else. If our beliefs don’t lead us to live in a manner that encourages love and justice, then it doesn’t matter if we have a perfect theology. Anticipating the return of Christ means getting involved in the world around us and helping to bring heaven to earth.

-Consider injustices that you may have seen in the news lately. What would Jesus’ response to these situations be?

(Bt Cody Poinsett) 

Day 13 of Advent - Luke 18:15-30

I really enjoyed today’s reading out of Luke 18. This is a passage that many of us will know well, but this season of Advent has helped me to view it from a slightly different perspective. Advent has several different themes and teachings, but the one that keeps echoing in my mind is what it looks like for us to orient our lives in a way that shows that we expect Christ to return. That has been my biggest takeaway thus far. I want to look at everything I do through the lens of Christ’s return. It seems to me that today’s reading is pointing very directly to that theme.

Jesus is giving a pretty clear teaching on what it means to be a part of the Kingdom of God. A citizen of God’s Kingdom looks like a child who is filled with innocence and completely trusts the one responsible for their wellbeing. Luke then contrasts that child with the Rich Young Ruler who is given clear instruction as to how he can become a citizen of this new Kingdom. Where a child would likely trust that Jesus, the caretaker, would have their best interest at heart and submit to His instruction, the Ruler is unable to put aside the concerns of the world and embrace citizenship in God’s Kingdom.

I can’t say that I really blame the Rich Young Ruler. He’s put in a pretty difficult situation. Jesus is asking him to give up everything he owns, which is a lot, and leave his entire life behind. That’s a big thing to ask of someone. But, that’s what it looks like for those of us who are citizens of Heaven. We are supposed to be so concerned with the age that is yet to come, that the concerns of this present age are of no importance to us anymore. If we are living our lives in a way that truly believes and expects that Jesus is on His way back, then nothing else matters. When we adopt this mindset, then we are able to fully submit to the things that God is asking us to do without fear of repercussion.

In what ways do you allow worldly concerns to pull you away from your heavenly citizenship?

What can you do, just for today, to better demonstrate your belief that Jesus will soon return?

(By Cody Poinsett)